
Jan 2024 Lemosho Traverse, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

  • At the start of 2024, I accomplished Lemosho Traverse at Mt. Kilimanjaro — a memorable 7-day, 6-night expedition. The journey took me through diverse landscapes, from moorland and alpine desert to the snow-capped peak, culminating with tropical rainforests on the final day.
  • On the night of Jan 5, we embarked on our summit ascent, marched towards Stella point (5,756 m), and eventually at around 7am reached Uhuru peak, Africa’s highest point, standing at 5,895 meters.
  • “Hakuna matata,” as the local guide assured us, means “There are no troubles”.
  • In late January, Elaine and I had a fun morning recalling our journey. 「看到了,乞力马扎罗真的有雪」[Podcast]
Lemosho Traverse - Mt. Kilimanjaro

Oct 2023 MacLehose Trail: Section 2「麥理浩徑第二段」, Sai Kung, Hong Kong

  • Section 2 is known as the essence of the famous trail. Throughout the 13.5 km hike, we were constantly surrounded by some of Hong Kong’s most unspoiled beaches. We hadn’t had time to visit Sharp Peak 「蚺蛇尖」 nearby all together, renowned as the sharpest peak in HK – You can tell that from the photo! We will have the chance someday.
MacLehose Trail: Section 2

Jun 2023 Monte Smith, Rodos, Greece

  • One late summer afternoon, the Aegean Sea’s vast expanse breathed in perfect harmony with the fading day.
Monte Smith

Oct 2022 Mount Johnston「玉桂山」, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

  • Setting foot on a real-life “tombolo” was an incredible experience that instantly brought back memories of playing Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked, where I struggled to navigate between islands.
Ap Lei Pai

Jul 2022 Kwo Chau Islands「果洲群島」, Sai Kung, Hong Kong

  • We took a boat ride to Kwo Chau Islands, a cluster of islands that dots the southeastern waters of Sai Kung, resembling floating fruits as their Cantonese name suggests. With the aid of a rugged headland, we docked at the southern part of this uninhabited archipelago.
Kwo Chau Islands

Jan 2022 Tai Mo Shan「大帽山」, Tai Mo Shan Country Park, Hong Kong

  • On New Year’s Day, we were graced with a remarkable sunset above the clouds. The blend of hues stretched from the distant sky, cascading warm amber upon the slopes. Despite subsequent visits to Tai Mo Shan, I have yet to witness the return of such glows.
Tai Mo Shan

Oct 2021 Red Incense Burner Summit「紅香爐峰」, North Point, Hong Kong

Red Incense Burner Summit

Dec 2020 Repulse Bay 「淺水灣」, Southern District, Hong Kong

  • During the pandemic’s grip on the world, I enjoyed a tranquil afternoon at Repulse Bay.
  • “Life’s A Beach,” a wooden sign declared.
Repulse Bay

Jan 2019 Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Gandaki, Nepal

  • As you venture forth along the valley, the Annapurna massif embraces you, encircling your path with its awe-inspiring presence. The extraordinary range of mountains soars above 7,000 meters, featuring Machapuchare (6,993 m), Gangapurna (7,455 m), and the legendary Annapurna I (8,091 m).
  • When I awoke to the morning light, the sun gilded the south face of Annapurna I with its golden rays.
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Last Updated: Feb, 2024